滑膜软骨瘤病是一种少见的良性滑膜疾病,其特征是受累关节滑膜内有软骨化生灶与绒毛状增殖,形成多少不等的结节状或游离的软骨小体,我们曾遇一例发生在膝关节并发巨大游离体,报告如下: 患者男,33岁,在右膝关节(原因不明)疼痛十四年,反复肿胀,近三年加重,关节变形,跛行,于1984年8月30日入院。 体查:一般状况良好,心肺及腹部无异常,左、右上肢、左下肢及脊柱各关节活动正常。右膝关节明显增粗并呈外翻畸形,皮肤色泽正常,无静脉怒张,
Synovial chondromatosis is a rare, benign synovial disease characterized by chondrogenic foci and villous proliferation within the synovium of affected joints, resulting in unequal nodular or dissociated cartilaginous bodies. One case occurred in the knee joint with a large free body, reported as follows: Patient male, 33 years old, in the right knee joint (unexplained) pain for 14 years, repeated swelling, increased in the last three years, joint deformity, lameness, in 1984 8 He was admitted to the hospital on the 30th. Physical examination: General condition is good, there is no abnormality in the heart, lungs and abdomen. Left, right upper limbs, left lower limbs and all joints of the spine are normal. The right knee joint was obviously thickened and was valgus deformed. The skin had normal color and no venous engorgement.