OBJECTIVE: To compare the reticulocyte counts between the instrumental method and the microscope (manual method), and to evaluate the methodological reworking of the reticulocytes by manual method and instrumental method. Methods: The reticulocytes were counted by automatic hematology analyzer and brilliant tar blue manual method respectively. Results: The reticulocyte results obtained by instrumental method and manual method were statistically analyzed (P> 0.05). The results obtained by the two methods showed no significant difference. However, the average coefficient of variation of the instrumental method was 1.34% , Median 3.30%, low 2.67%, while the manual method was 6.66% high, median 14.0%, low 21.6%, the average manual method was significantly higher than the instrumental method. When the control group and manual method of measuring the reticulocyte results after statistical analysis, P <0.05, the results obtained by the two methods were significantly different. Conclusion: The instrumental method and manual method have good correlation with the results of reticulocyte. However, the instrumental method has the advantages of high precision, good repeatability, time-saving and labor-saving, suitable for the rapid detection of large quantities of specimens. However, Can be used to check the abnormal results of instrumentation.