实施素质教育是我国基础教育的一场深刻的变革。素质教育是一种科学的、着眼于学生可持续发展的教育模式,学校要想把素质教育落到实处,首先应通过组织行之有效的政治、业务学习,引导教师树立以下新观念。 一、面向未来的时间观 我校在组织全校干部、教师学习讨论中大
The implementation of quality education is a profound reform of our country’s basic education. Quality education is a scientific education model focusing on students’ sustainable development. If schools want to put quality education into practice, they should first guide the teachers to establish the following new concepts by organizing effective political and business studies. I. A time-oriented view of the future Our school organizes all school cadres and teachers to discuss and discuss