In the construction of AP1000 nuclear power projects, electrical welding operations, painting operations and other construction techniques are widely used liquefied gases and compressed gases, paints and thinners and other dangerous chemicals, most of these dangerous chemicals have a burning explosion, affecting health and other hazardous characteristics. Through statistical analysis, typical problems in the application process of hazardous chemicals in AP1000 nuclear power construction projects can be summarized as management defects, installation defects, environmental insecurity and human insecurity. The causes of typical problems can be summed up in six aspects: special management system, personnel qualifications and capabilities, construction area planning, special investment in safety, risk assessment and pre-control, program and program execution. Based on the hazardous characteristics of hazardous chemicals, the application of typical problems and causes analysis, proposed from the hazardous chemicals suppliers review, admission permitting, acceptance and storage, use, waste disposal, emergency response plans and other aspects to take control measures.