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  It was August 1965 and I was 18, working as a woman clerk at the Bank of England. On Saturday nights, I used to meet a colleague, Susan, at a dance hall in south London. One night, she copped off with a lad called Charles and the three of us continued to meet at the dance, me feeling very much the gooseberry.1 Charles then announced that he had a friend coming to stay. Ian was 23, lived in Yorkshire and worked as an engineering draughtsman2. Would I like to make up a foursome at the dance the next week? Pleased that my gooseberry status was to be put on hold3, I agreed.
  I had never dated anyone before. I wasn’t bothered about this in the slightest, but was quite excited at the prospect of a new experience.4 My first impressions of Ian were that he was smart and not bad-looking. However, he was reluctant to even get on to the dance floor and, when he did, he turned out to have two left feet5. Consequently, we spent most of the time sitting at the side. He was very chatty, but had a broad Yorkshire accent, so what with that and the live band in full swing, I found it hard to understand what he was saying.6
  During the dance interval, the four of us went to a nearby pub. I had never been in one before, but remember asking for a port7 and lemon. Away from the band, we chatted amicably8. Returning to the dance hall, we resumed our position at the side of the floor, sitting on a bench with no armrests. We were pushed quite closely together.
  As the evening progressed, Ian got hold of my hand, another new experience for me. I suppose I found it flattering9. At the end of the dance, he walked me to the bus stop. He was looking for a kiss, but I wasn’t. I had only kissed family members, and didn’t want to widen my horizons. We did, however, shake hands.
  Ian came down to London a couple more times that autumn and, as I got to know him better, I found I liked him. Our first kiss is still very clear in my memory; it took place outside the Odeon cinema in Morden, south London, on a dark and damp evening.
  We had exchanged addresses (no emails or mobile phones in those days) and started writing to one another. Ian set the ball rolling10 and, as time went on, I used to wait for the postman eagerly. By November, he had invited me to stay for a weekend at the family home in West Yorkshire. I had never been “up north” before and expected to see the stereotypical images of the region—belching mill chimneys on every street corner, cloth caps and whippets.11 I was surprised to find the locals quite civilised.   I was invited to Yorkshire again for Christmas 1965, and Ian proposed to me during that visit. By then I knew that I liked him a lot—but we had only met a few times and, at 18, I felt immature and didn’t even know if I was in love or not, so I turned him down. However, we kept on meeting every few weeks at our family homes and I suppose he just grew on me12. We eventually got married in June 1969.
  We were very happy indeed, until 1984, when Ian developed a brain tumour. He died the next year, aged 42. We had two children: Charlotte, then aged seven, and John, who was five. During our fouryear courtship, we had written to each other several times a week and had amassed more than 1,000 letters. We kept these in a large cardboard box in the loft. After Ian’s death I put them all into date order, and it was like reading our conversations. Then it struck me that these letters only recorded the times we were apart, not the times we were together, which seemed very weird.
  Thirty-four years on, I have never met anyone else with whom I have wanted to have a relationship. It seems odd that my children are now at a similar age to Ian when he died. I still look on Ian and myself as equals,13 and yet, thinking about his age when he died, he could be my son. Life is strange.14
  1. 一天晚上,她邂逅了一位叫查尔斯的小伙子。我们三个还是在舞会上碰面,我觉得自己就像个电灯泡。gooseberry:本义为醋栗,引申为电灯泡之意。
  2. draughtsman: 制图员。
  3. put on hold: 暂停。
  4. 我一点儿也不担心这件事,而是对可能会有的新体验感到非常兴奋。
  5. have two left feet: 极其笨拙的。
  6. 他很健谈,但带有很重的约克郡口音,而现场乐队又很活跃,因此我很难听懂他在说什么。in full swing: 活跃,正在全力进行中。
  7. port: 波尔图葡萄酒。
  8. amicably: 友好地,友善地。
  9. flattering: 讨人喜欢的。
  10. set the ball rolling: 发起活动,使活动开始。
  11. 我以前从来没有去过“北方”,我希望能看到這个地区惯有的样子——街道每个角落的工厂的烟囱都在冒烟,街上满是小布帽和小灵狗。belching: 喷出(烟、火)的;mill: 工厂,制造厂;whippet: 小灵狗,惠比特犬(常用于赛犬)。
  12. grow on sb.: 使某人越来越喜欢。
  13. 我仍然认为伊恩是我的另一半。
  14. 生活就是这样,造化弄人。
以缓慢的方式体验荒凉,骑马、骑车,不完全依赖于脚力,能够借助马匹、自行车一路前行。踯躅于荒漠,深陷于无助,人与坐骑形成相互依赖的关系,共同完成一段荒凉的旅程。  Tim Cope 的骑行路线。一段史诗般的旅程,一个澳大利亚人带着三匹马一条狗,追寻着战士和牧民成吉思汗的足迹,从蒙古到匈牙利,出发的时候25岁,到达多瑙河畔将近29岁。  If you want to rush in life, rus
之前我们讲了两期英文里的意大利文,先咖啡后面食。然而作为文艺复兴的发源地,意大利文在文艺方面有着举足轻重的影响力。这一期,我们就暂别咖啡、美食,试着到艺术领域里去了解一下源自意大利文的重要英文词汇。  音乐里有许多英文词汇流的都是意大利文的血。钢琴是piano,原作pianoforte,本义为“弱强”,因为钢琴有别于其前身的大键琴,能够展现音量的强弱。五线谱的弱音记号是p,代表的就是piano,强
具有音乐天赋的卡琳娜自幼离开故土波兰,移居美国追寻自己的梦想。在美国柯蒂斯音乐学院,她遇到了才华横溢的理查德·埃文斯,两人坠入爱河,结婚成家。  卡琳娜为顾及丈夫的钢琴演奏生涯和养育女儿,放弃了自己爵士钢琴家的梦想。然而理查德并不是一个好丈夫和好父亲,他为了自己的事业,牺牲了妻子的职业追求,放弃了陪伴女儿成长的过程。对他来说,钢琴就是他的爱人和孩子。后来由于理查德的不忠及两人生活态度上的分歧,他们
这是一个关丁创业的真实故事,主人公在向本刊记者述说过往辛酸时,心情已经淡然。对于如今的嘎斯非儿服饰有限公司的创始人兼总裁陈非儿来说,那些已经不再是苦涩的回忆,如今已是一笔人生的巨大财富。    广州的6月天就像漏了一样,雨下个不停,陈非儿站在办公室窗边,望着外面雨中的广州,陷入深思,雨点一颗颗打在窗上,一如往事一历历敲打着她的心。    独闯广州    “非儿,毕业回家工作吧,你爸爸已经给你找好了
冬日,却残留着许多秋日的清爽。  我泛舟于之上,碰到另一位泛舟者。  我們驶近对方,抓住对方的舷缘——泛舟者之间独有的拥抱。  “这难道不是个奇迹吗?”  “这样的机会确是难得!”  难忘的泛舟之旅,内生能有几次机会?
年轻时,阎焱的理想是做一名飞行员,驾驶飞机在天空翱翔,于是在30年前的那次高考中,阎焱考取了南京航空学院      赛富是一家高度选择性的基金,拥有全世界最好的投资人,其中包括来自于美国长青藤盟校的投资人——他们被誉为“最聪明的投资人”    他是中国本土最大的基金公司——赛富的掌门人;他的工作是为中国的企业注入资金——就像为他们插上一双腾飞的翅膀。众多中国的民营企业正是在他的助推下,脱胎换骨,飞
FESCO 2007年植树节2000余名外企员工及志愿者参加      为深入开展“微笑北京”主题活动,进一步增强外企员工的环保意识和志愿服务意识,迎接2008年北京奥运会,北京外企服务集团(FESCO)和北京外企人力资源服务有限公司、北京房山团区委共同组织了400余家外资企业的2000余名外企员工及外企奥运驾驶员志愿者,于4月7日在房山区云居寺开展了为期一个月的“微笑北京,奥运绿色行动”主题大型
摘 要:说是表达性技能,也是难以被掌握的语言技能之一。不同版本的高中英语新教材(2019年版)均提供了大量说的活动。教师只有准确理解这些活动的设计目标,并正确处理说与听、读、看等各项技能的关系,才能更好地培养学习者的表达能力。本文以不同版本的高中英语新修订教材中说的活动为例,分析说的活动的目标,并提出促进说的目标有效达成的教学建议。  关键词:高中英语;教材;说的活动;活动目标前言  外语教学的最
在英国读书期间,我在一家面包店打工,我的同事——今年36岁的戴安并非什么“文化人”,但是她每周必买一本杂志《TakeABreak》。在英国,像她这样的“粉丝”差不多有302万,也就是说,每八个英国女性中就有一个是《TakeABreak》的读者;每过1秒,就有2本《TakeABreak》售出。  于是,我给《TakeABreak》的主编JohnDale发了邮件,希望能了解《TakeA8reak》的编