1900年代 1901年远距离无线电报诞生 1901年12月,G·马可尼(Marconi)第一次接收到2900公里外的越洋无线电报。电文虽只是三个莫尔斯(Morse)电码所表示的英文字母S,但远距离传输的成功有助于马可尼建立无线电报行业。到第一次世界大战时,他已能提供全球无线电通信服务。 1904年首次提出雷达作用原理和真空二极管问世 德国发明家C·赫尔斯迈尔(Hlsmeyer)超前提出了雷达作用原理:利用无线电波的回波在雾天和黑夜寻找船只。直到1930年前后他的理论才再次被提起,8个以上国家开发出防空雷达系
1901 1901 The birth of long-range radiotelegraph In December 1901, G. Marconi received for the first time an ocean-going telegram of 2900 kilometers. Although the message is only the English letter S indicated by the three Morse codes, the success of long-distance transmission helps Marconi establish the radio newspaper industry. By the time of World War I, he had been able to provide global radiocommunication services. In 1904, the principle of radar and the vacuum diode were first proposed. The German inventor Hlsmeyer ahead of time proposed the principle of radar: the use of radio waves to search for ships in foggy and dark nights. Until 1930 his theory was again raised, and more than eight countries developed air defense radar systems