心律失常是中老年人常见的症状,青年人也时有发生。其性质和程度差异甚大。那么如何自我辨别心律失常的轻重呢? 看年龄一般情况下,青壮年出现心律失常,大多数属于生理性的。如在情绪激动或剧烈运动时交感神经兴奋引起的窦性心动过速,或偶发过早搏动(早跳)以及窦性心律不齐等。相反,老年人出现的心律失常,则较多见于心脏病或其他器质性疾病,应予以重视。中年人身上出现的心律失常,以上两种情况兼有,要根据其他情况综合判断。看既往病史和原发病如果心律失常为首次发作,本人过去健康,未患过心脏病、糖尿病、甲状腺机能亢进等疾病,则多为非器质性的,或程度较轻,可观察一段时间。若
Arrhythmia is a common symptom in the elderly, young people also occur from time to time. The nature and extent of their differences vary greatly. So how to identify the severity of arrhythmia it? Under normal circumstances, young adults arrhythmia, most of them are physiological. Such as in emotional or strenuous exercise caused by sympathetic nerve stimulation caused by sinus tachycardia, or premature beats prematurely (early jump) and sinus arrhythmia. On the contrary, arrhythmias in the elderly are more common in heart disease or other organic diseases, should be taken seriously. Arrhythmia occurs in middle-aged people, more than the above two cases, according to other comprehensive judgments. Look at the past history and the original disease If the first episode of arrhythmia, my past health, not suffering from heart disease, diabetes, hyperthyroidism and other diseases, are mostly non-organic, or to a lesser extent, can be observed for some time . If