1966年,高琨(Charles K Kao)博士等撰写的《Dielectric-fiber surface waveguides for optical frequencies》研究论文在PIEE学术期刊上发表,开创性地提出利用石英玻璃制作的光学纤维(简称光纤)可作为传输媒介来实现新型通信方式的基本原理,奠定了后续光纤通信理论研究与实际
In 1966, a paper entitled “Dielectric-fiber surface waveguides for optical frequencies” authored by Dr. Charles K Kao et al. Was published in the PIEE Academic Journals and pioneered the use of optical fibers made of quartz glass (referred to as optical fibers) Transmission media to achieve the basic principles of the new communication methods, laid the follow-up optical fiber communication theory and practice