The analysis of the complete rock composition of modern deep-sea sand is rare, but such analyzes are necessary to understand the effect of tectonic activity on rock properties in ancient sandstone and the changes in rock properties caused by diagenesis. This article is an initial attempt to establish a set of benchmarks on which ancient sandstone can be compared to modern deep-sea sand, using the data of the 80 sand samples we studied and the literature. According to the plate tectonic concept, we divide the sand into five classes, each with unique average rock components: (1) Q_ (62) F_ (26) L_ (12) 2) Basins related to subduction zones along active continental margin. Q_ (16) F_ (63) L_ (31); and (3) basins related to the strike-slip zone of the active continental margin. Q_ (34) F_ (39) L_ (27); (4) backarc basin Q_ (20) F_ (29) L_ (51) 75). The content and type of crumb and the type of feldspar all have the important distinguishing meaning of special fossils, followed by the content of quartz. The sand that migrated to the marginal basin and the forearc basin has very typical components. However, the sand compositions of the two types of basins near the backarc basin and the active edge appear to overlap with each other, so it may be difficult to distinguish these three types of basins from the ancient sandstone.