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“到了人武部,安家又落户。”有人用这句话来形象地刻画当前有的人武干部不求进取的心态。而河南省永城市人武部部长王红旗,一个在人武战线上战斗了20年的“老武装”,怀着对武装事业的无限热爱,始终保持高昂的精神和不懈的追求,专心致志谋打赢,干出了一番骄人的成绩:在军分区从事动员工作期间,成功研制了《预备役管理及快速动员系统》,在担任人武部部长期间,成功开发了《人武部动员指挥自动化系统》,两次荣获济南军区“军队科技进步三等奖”,所在人武部被军区评为“科技工作先进单位”,他本人被济南军区评为“科技工作先进个人”。 如果把作战部队比作“一线”、人武系统比作“二线”的话,探寻王红旗成功的足迹,我们看到了一个“身在‘二线’阵地,胸怀‘一线’追求”的优秀人武干部形象。在大力推进中国特色军事变革的浪潮中,人武系统那些仍认为“后备军难作为”、对变革“还未深想”、对信息化建设缺乏信心、在变革路上无所事事的同志,在看了王红旗的事迹后,是不是该有些醒悟和启迪呢? “To the People’s Armed Forces, Anji has settled down.” Some people use this remark to vividly describe the current situation in which some people and cadres are not aggressive. In the meantime, Wang Hongqi, minister of the People’s Armed Police Department of Henan Province, an “old armed” who fought for 20 years on the people-and-armed front has always maintained its high spirits and relentless pursuit of armaments with great dedication and determination During the mobilization work in the military subregion, the “reserve management and rapid mobilization system” was successfully developed. During the period of being the minister of armed forces, the department successfully developed the “Mobilization Command and Automation System of the People’s Armed Police Force” He was twice awarded the “Third Prize in Scientific and Technological Progress of the PLA Army” in Jinan Military Region. The military department under his command was awarded as “advanced unit of science and technology work” by the military region and himself as “advanced individual in science and technology work” by Jinan Military Region. If we compare the combat troops to the “front line” and the “people-armed forces system” as the “second-tier”, we should explore the footsteps of Wang Hongqi’s success. We have seen an outstanding cadres who are “on the second line” Image. In the wave of vigorously promoting the military transformation with Chinese characteristics, the comrades of the PLA-China system that still consider the “reserve military as hard as possible”, “have not yet thought deeply about the change,” lacked confidence in information construction and had nothing to do in the road of change. After the deeds of the red flag, is not it some awakening and enlightenment?
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