春天播下种子,秋天就会收获果实, 只要耕耘不辍,就会希望永存,这已是一 条永恒之理。 扶余县就是靠招商引资之犁耕耘着 这片古老而神奇的土地,并结出了丰硕 之果。仅短短一年时间,59个投资500 万元以上的重点项目纷纷落户扶余安家 兴业。这不仅是对扶余全力打造县域经 济发展环境的有力图报,也是扶余县域 经济走上快速发展之路的一个缩影。59 颗丰硕之果将会把扶余装点得更加灿烂
Sowing seeds in the spring will harvest the fruits of autumn, as long as the cease-fire, will hope forever, it is an eternal truth. Fuyu County is relying on investment plow this ancient and magical land, and has yielded fruitful results. In a short period of one year, 59 key projects with more than 5 million yuan of investment have all settled down in Fuyu Anjia Industrial Estate. This is not only a powerful illustration of Fuyu efforts to create a county economic development environment, but also Fuyu county economy embarked on a rapid development of the microcosm. 59 fruitful results will decorate Fuyu more brilliant