河北大青杨又叫大叶杨,此树种根深叶茂,高大挺直。成材快,林质好,适应性强。多年来由于只能靠根系繁殖,各地虽有分布,但发展很慢。清苑县李庄乡北段庄村农民林业技术员李树同,经过16年的探索,试验成功河北大青杨的整棵平埋育苗法。一九八六年采用这一技术繁育24亩共八万多棵,效果很好,具体方法是: 选择一年生1——2米带根小杨树苗,待春季植树季节,开好沟,依次将整棵树苗平埋于沟中,根部要埋深、严些,
Populus euphratica, also known as Hebei Yeh, this species of deep roots, tall and straight. Become fast, good forestry, adaptability. Over the years due to the root system can only be multiplied, although the distribution around, but the development is slow. Li Shu-tung, a farmer’s forestry technician at Zhuang Village in the northern section of Li Zhuang, Qingyuan County, tested and successfully tested the entire planted seedling nursery of Hebei Dayingyang after 16 years of exploration. This technique was used to breed more than 80,000 trees of 24 mu in 1986. The specific measures are as follows: Choose annual poplar seedlings with 1--2 m root length. When the spring planting season is over, open a good ditch, The entire sapling buried in the ditch, the root to the depth, strict,