Design and analysis of catering logo

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  Abstract:The symbol is the enterprise image or the product image symbol.Whether in China or abroad,logo has a very important meaning.The influence of culture on design is subtle,the integration process of traditional elements and modern logo design is to absorb each other's essence,reflect the personality of the enterprise,but also strengthen the communication between the enterprise and the society,so that the public can better resonate with the enterprise.
  Key words:logo,design,culture,catering logo
  First,Catering logo development status.The most important function of logo is to spread information effectively.In order to let the basic information of the catering enterprise logo effective communication,need to clarify the design theme,can achieve elegant and concise effect,at the same time make consumers quickly accept the enterprise to convey information.There are not many logos that we can leave a deep impression on,mainly including the following aspects:
  Enterprise concept positioning is not accurate.To a large extent,the logo of a catering enterprise needs a unique symbolic meaning,and the lack of this will hinder the communication of the enterprise and fail to achieve the desired effect.In other hand,the problem is too formal.When designing logo,designers may ignore the most basic function of logo,which is the symbolic meaning of enterprises,and pay too much attention to the pursuit of formal beauty.
  Next,Catering enterprise logo design theme positioning analysis.According to the needs of different consumers for customized design,can highlight their own brand advantages.Catering enterprises in business management activities gradually formed and developed a unique corporate culture as a cultural phenomenon,has become the theme of logo design,the introduction of its logo is conducive to creating a unique corporate image.As Chinese descendants,thousands of years of cultural deposits have been deeply integrated into our blood.Pursuing the beauty of classical elements is almost a skill we are born with.Catering enterprises with traditional Chinese characteristics tend to use some Chinese classical elements when designing their corporate images.For example,the fast and slow speed,ups and downs,rough and solid,subtle and delicate lines in traditional patterns can reflect different style characteristics and emotional thinking Traditional patterns,water pattern,disk length pattern,scroll pattern and so on are formed by curves.Such as the use of a curve disk long lines,regular shuttle,link to continuous,flow,rich in decorative beauty,is also a symbol of good luck.
  Different cultural background has an important influence on logo design.It is a trend of modern graphic design to explore the potential of Chinese traditional culture to integrate some symbols and elements of traditional culture into today's logo design.
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  [2] ColinWare著,Visual Thinking:for Design [M].Morgan & nbsp;\Kaufmann.2008.04
二十世纪的西方经历了巨大的艺术变革,从二十世纪初期的现代主义,到二十世纪四五十年代的国际现代主义风格,再发展到七十年代后的现代主义,风格转向巨大,截然不同,伴随着平面设计领域受其的影响,我找出了“奥运会”招贴海报作为载体,集中研究这一个世纪奥运会在这场变动中所产生的改变与所受的影响,主要从版式、颜色、题材来分析探索,以提炼出有价值的结果  1900年二十世纪初的法国巴黎奥运会,是奥运会史上第二届,
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