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  The first time I saw 2)civilians (non-3)paramedic)
   wearing masks was when I was living in Tokyo. Later, I found out that those people masked themselves to avoid spreading 4)germs which I personally think is a very good behaviour.
  I still remember when there’s 5)SARS in Hong Kong, the majority of the population were masked to protect themselves. Since then, Hong Kong people tend to be more aware of both personal and public6)hygiene. Singapore has always been a clean, organized country and people are 7)civic-minded.
  Out of my expectation, people here don’t have the habit of wearing masks, not even in clinics. People in Singapore , regardless of their races—Chinese, 8)Malay, Indian or 9)Eurasian—do not have the habit of covering their mouths whether coughing or 10)sneezing. This really annoys me as a person who has experienced SARS in Hong Kong.
  Last time when I went back home with 11)Tiger airways 12)via Macau, there was an old man who was coughing and sneezing on the plane for 3.5 hours. Even though he used a handkerchief to cover, I was still very 13)scared and fully 14)alert for the entire trip... The 15)weird thing was, apart from myself and the old couple who were sitting next to the coughing-and-sneezing man who looked a bit disgusting, everyone else in the plane was calm and 16)at ease. The flight 17)attendants were serving passengers with food uncovered, parents allowed their 18)toddlers to walk and play around without any protection...I felt very 19)alien to them.
  Then, there’s my Arab colleague. He has 20)sinus issues and has been sneezing since the day when he joined our company. Since I have always been very sensitive about people sneezing or coughing without covering their mouths, I was glad that I was miles away from him.
  Unfortunately, after 21)reshuffling, I was seated next to him and his habit of sneezing without covering his mouth didn’t improve. When my health was ok, I didn’t worry so much. But when I felt a bit ill, I really hated him spreading germs around me. Then, I would say, “Where’s your mask” Why don’t you mask yourself” “
  Although I did manage to get him to buy a box of masks, he seldom wears them. So I would rather mask myself to feel more at ease. But then, people walking past would ask “Are you sick”“Each time I would have to explain, “Not me, someone else. Since he doesn’t use masks, I have to mask myself.”
  Today, when I sneezed, I said, “Excuse me.”Another colleague said, “No need to apologize, he has been sneezing all the time but we’ve never heard him apologize.”He said, “Sneezing is a perfectly normal human reaction, why do I have to apologize””
  Then he showed us his 22)stock of 23)tissues and said “See, I have four boxes of tissues here!”Then I said, “Yeah, your four boxes of tissues will last for four years.”
  Co-workers around our 24)clusters couldn’t stop laughing ...
  还记得当初“非典” 在香港横行之时,大多数人为了保护自己都戴上了口罩。从那时起,香港人越来越注重个人和公共卫生。一直以来,新加坡都是一个干净而有秩序的国家,新加坡人也是很有公共意识的。
  今天,我打喷嚏后,说道:“请见谅。”另一个同事便说:“你没必要道歉。他(阿拉伯裔同事)总是打喷嚏,却从来没有向我们道过歉。” 这时,那位阿拉伯裔同事辩解说:“打喷嚏是人类一种很正常的反应,我为什么要道歉?”

远行的心 译  The Valley of the Shadow  十四岁那年的整个暑假,我捧着《小妇人》这本让我着了迷的书在阁楼里反复阅读着,每每读到贝思因为帮助他人而染上猩红热,不久便离开人世时,眼泪就会止不住地往下掉。那时我总和妈妈说,如果世界可以停下来就好了,我永远不用长大,你们也会一直在我身边。妈妈笑着说:“傻孩子,如果永远没有人死去,那地球就挤得站不下了。”  爱,是我们离开人世时唯一
筱筱 译  别人不会因为你多么富有而记得你,但会因为你给予的关爱而一辈子感恩。爱,是一把开启幸福之门的钥匙,是生命最优雅的姿态。如Michael Jackson在Heal the World(《拯救世界》)里唱的那样“Love is strong. It only cares of joyful giving.”,任何时候,请不要忘了给自己,给他人的生活加点爱,给爱加点巧克力。  ——Lavend
筱筱 译  小时候喜欢收藏珠珠、卡片、贴贴纸等漂亮的东西。每回好朋友生日,送出的都一定不是自己最珍爱的。后来收藏的东西多了,对它们也就日渐熟视无睹了。有一天把它们都翻出来,想起一段段的往事,忽然很难过,也忽然感受到,在成长的过程中,那些相继出现而后又相继远去的人对于自己曾是那么的重要。唯有在“昨天”,把我最珍爱的东西送给他们,“今天”的我才能在记忆里永远占有过去的他们和它们。这是一种美好的分享和占
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