一、性能指标 (一)本仪器可产生重复周期为T的冲激振荡波。波形见图1。重复周期T可调节的范围为200±50ms。冲激振荡频率f为7000Hz。冲激振荡的幅度U在0~20mV连续可调。冲激振荡的宽度τ在1~30ms连续可调。
First, the performance indicators (A) The instrument can produce repetitive cycle T impulse oscillation wave. Waveform shown in Figure 1. The repeatable period T is adjustable in the range of 200 ± 50 ms. Impulse oscillation frequency f is 7000Hz. The amplitude of impulse oscillation U is continuously adjustable from 0 to 20mV. The width of impulse oscillation τ is continuously adjustable from 1 to 30 ms.