In the past, doctors believe that the occlusal surface of the occlusal slope is perpendicular to the long axis of the tooth. Finite element studies have shown that the inclination of the occlusal surface of the occlusal support is 10 ° or 20 ° . The premolar is 10 ° and the molar is 20 °. The periodontal ligament is stretched when the abutment is stressed, and the compressive stress is concentrated in the apical area, which plays the role of protecting the abutment .10 °, 20 ° ) How deep is the bottom bevel of the support recess, there is not an objective criterion for the dentist's denture to be made clinically in the clinic? So, how can the preparation be achieved in clinical practice? To this end, we have designed a simple (Occlusal) support concave measuring ruler.After clinical use, preparation of support concave effect is good.