Scientific practice has proved that corn and beans mixed, Rhizobium on the roots of beans, not only to beans, but also to supply corn nitrogen nutrients. In addition, the powerful main root system of legumes has strong absorption properties of insoluble nutrients in the soil. It penetrates deeper into the soil, absorbing phosphorus, calcium and other important nutrients. These nutrients are delivered to the upper part of the root system and are used in some way during metabolism; the rest of it is excreted in the soil surface by root hairs and absorbed by the corn roots. As for corn, “I have to repay beans.” It has a large number of fibrous roots distributed over the surface of the soil. When the soil is well-aerated and under well-regulated conditions, more acid is secreted to dissolve the poorly water-soluble organic or inorganic material in the soil, making it Absorbable nutrients. In this way, through corn,