Redundant Construction

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  Jinzhou Bay in Liaoning Provinceis a fine bay on the north bank ofthe Bohai Sea, and Jinzhou Portis the largest of its kind in thisbay.
The Chinese currency has appreciat-ed almost 7 percent in less than twoyears. However, there are still lots ofdiscontented voices,especiallywhen the second China-U.S. strate-gic economic dialogue is c
The Dalai Lama told Der Spiegel that hisforemost objective is to protect Tibetan cul-ture and the status of Tibet.
This year marks the 15th anniversaryof the establishment of diplomaticrelations between China and theRepublic of Korea (ROK), or SouthKorea, and it is also a year of friend-ly communication between th
When former U.S. Vice PresidentAl Gore retumed to CapitolHill on March 21 to push forpolitical action on climatechange, he indicated to U.S.lawmakers that China and the United Statesare intertwined in
While U.S. and Japanese topdiplomats and defense officialscelebrated closer cooperationforged by their annual meetingin Washington in early May,one slight modification in their joint statementcaught t
April 5 was an extraordinary day innorthwest China’s ShaanxiProvince. Around 10,000 peoplegathered in Huangling County tocommemorate the Yellow Emperor,or Huang Di, the legendary ruler and ances-tor o
Most people had neverheard of Zheng’an untilits involvement in abeauty pageant put theGuizhou county backwa-ter on the map, for all the wrong reasons.
After two investment rounds and Shanghai-based D-hui Investment to the tune of $10million last year, Wu Xisang, leg-endary programmer of originalonline games and now CEO of Guangzhou-based
The National Bureau of Statistics(NBS)released its report onChina’s first-quintet economic performance on April 18,amid similar forecasts by major research institutions such asthe Chinese Academy of S
In the Joint Document issued onFebruary 13 by North Korea, SouthKorea, the United States, Japing, Chinaand Russia after their fifth round oftalks, North Korea agreed to shut downand seal file Yongbyon