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随着国家各项涉农法律法规的相继出台和实施,农民的生产生活逐步摆脱了无法可依的混乱局面,法律意识日益增强,越来越多的农民从自身利益得失中深深体会到,当今社会是法制社会,只有充分运用法律武器才能有效保护自身的合法权益不受侵害,一种新的消费时尚——“法律消费”,开始进入河南沈丘农村,走进农民家庭。时下,倘若牵涉到房屋租赁、土地转包、钱财借贷等个人及家庭利益时,大伙都会自然而然地到法律公证处去办理法律公证,以求放心。李老庄乡泰兴特种养殖场的潘同超因企业经营需要向亲邻们筹措一笔钱,但亲戚邻居们提出一个似乎不近人情的要求——必须先立下借款字据,并一同前往乡司法所公证后方可付钱,以免发生万一而伤了亲戚邻居之间的和气。潘同超对此表示理解,认为“先小人后君子”总比“先君子后小人”的强,还是花几个公证费大家 With the promulgation and implementation of various laws and regulations concerning agriculture in the country, the peasants’ production and life are gradually getting rid of the chaos that can not be prevented and the legal awareness is increasing day by day. More and more peasants deeply understand from their own gains and losses, Today’s society is a society ruled by law. Only by making full use of legal weapons can we effectively protect our legitimate rights and interests from being infringed upon. A new consumption fashion, “legal consumption,” begins to enter the rural areas of Shenqiu in Henan Province and enters peasant families. Nowadays, when it comes to personal and family interests such as housing lease, land subcontracting and money lending, everyone will naturally go to a legal notary office to handle legal notarization in order to find peace of mind. Lao Zhuang Township Taixing special farms Pan Tongchao because business needs to raise money for their neighbors, but relatives and neighbors made a seemingly unacceptable request - must first set down the loan documents, and go to the township branch Only after notarization can pay, so as not to happen and injured relatives and neighbors between the atmosphere. Pan Tongchao expressed his understanding of this, saying that “the first gentleman after the gentleman” is better than the “first gentleman after the villain”, or spend a few notary fees for everyone
陵县一起食品卫生行政诉讼案因受到行政干预.一直未能审理判决.最后在上一级卫生防疫站的干预下才得以结案,有关情况如下:1 案例简介1994年10月26日晚.县卫生防疫站接到投诉,
从去年10月1日起,我国巳开始实施《中华人民共和国献血法》,要求18~55周岁的健康公民都应无偿献血。 什么是无偿献血 对“无偿献血”国际上有明确的定义。1991年在布达佩斯红
去年以来,我出入境检验检疫机构连续多次从来自美国、日本货物的木质包装中截获我国法律规定禁止入境的危险性有害生物———松材线虫[Bursaphelenchusxylophilus(Steiner&BuhrerNickle]。为防止松材线虫随进境货物木质包装? S
中凯律师: 我是重庆市永荣矿务局双河煤矿的一名合同制职工,于1993年10月9日在井下受伤,致高位截瘫,生活不能自理。1997年6月我申请办理伤退,局劳资科以我的工龄不到10年为