For a long time, experts have been discussing whether Husserl’s philosophy, which contains all scientific ideas, can be applied to other cultures. The key question is: Is phenomenology applied to the European spirit a violation of non-European worldviews? Although phenomenology has thoroughly criticized the assimilation of empirical sciences, on the one hand, by virtue of its extension of the concept of European science, on the other hand , Given that it is a general and final, binding standard, does Husserl’s Phenomenology itself use no assimilation? It is valid for all the homeworlds by legitimate theories and practices inferred from the principle of its assertion Does this total assimilation of learning interfere with other cultures? I would like to outline a way in which Husserl’s basic definitions go, in which phenomenology avoids being accused of having an illegitimate assimilation . I will proceed in four steps: first, to clarify the issue; second, to try to show that the structural links of concern are decisive in the development of the achievements of assimilation; and thirdly, to continue the discussion between phenomenology and assimilation Finally, describe the characteristics of the methodological approach developed from an interactive cultural phenomenology.