
来源 :华东师范大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huanle986
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红外热像在国防、工农业生产及科研各领域中有着广泛的应用,而其理论建模又具有极其经济和有效的特点。为此,我们查阅了大量的文献,根据国外的研究情况,在综合考虑各种热效应的基础上,通过合理简化,得到了相应的物理模型。在考虑到外界环境(太阳、天空、海面等)热辐射、空气对流换热和船体模型各部分之间传导及辐射等传热效应的基础上,建立了稳态热交换方程组。在给走一组外界环境参数、船体模型几何结构参数和材料热物性参数的情况下,通过数值计算得出了船体模型的表观温度和真实温度分布,从而得到了船体模型的模拟热像图。并编制了相应的软件,实现船体结构的输入、显示、温度场计算及结果显示。通过改变参数(如:目标材料发射率、海面或天空的表现温度、太阳能流密度等),较为详细地研究了各种因素的变化对目标模拟热像图的影响。本文主要探讨了理论模型。 Infrared thermography has a wide range of applications in the fields of national defense, industrial and agricultural production and scientific research, and its theoretical modeling is extremely economical and effective. For this reason, we have consulted a large number of literatures. Based on the researches in other countries and on the basis of comprehensive consideration of various thermal effects, we have obtained the appropriate physical models through rational simplification. Based on the heat transfer effects of heat radiation, air convection heat transfer and various parts of hull model in the external environment (such as the sun, sky and sea surface), a steady heat exchange equation system is established. Under the circumstance that a set of external environmental parameters, geometric parameters of the hull model and thermal physical parameters of the hull are taken, the apparent temperature and the real temperature distribution of the hull model are obtained by numerical calculation, and the simulated thermographic image of the hull model is obtained . And compiles the corresponding software to realize hull structure input, display, temperature field calculation and result display. By changing the parameters (such as: target material emissivity, sea surface or sky performance temperature, solar flux density, etc.), the effects of various factors on the simulated thermogram of the target are studied in more detail. This article mainly discusses the theoretical model.
近年来,我国塑料包装行业发展日新月异,油墨的耗用量逐年大幅上升。然而,随着我国工业化逐渐朝多角度、深层次方向推进,各种的环境问题、食品安全问题也相继凸现。软包装行业,特别是作为涉及到“预期与食品接触”的材料和制品的食品包装产业,尤其备受社会关注。2005年7月,中央电视台曝光甘肃定西薯片包装甲苯含量严重超标,在包装行业掀起了一轮禁苯大潮。 2011年5月,台湾爆发塑化剂食品安全事件,在食品行业也是
目的探讨C型钠尿肽(C-type natriuretic peptide,CNP)在血管钙化中的作用。方法用肌注维生素D3和尼古丁灌胃诱导大鼠血管钙化(VDN组大鼠),背部皮下埋泵CNP[500ng/(kg.h)]持续