加强函授教育管理 努力提高函授教育质量

来源 :云南金融 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:safemon
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我省人行函授站自1988年建站以来,在总行人教司和西南财大函大办公室的共同支持下,共招收西南财大函授专科生7届800多人;函授本科3届150多人,毕业生中已有多人被提拔到人民银行中心支行任行长、科长、县支行行长等领导岗位上,部分优秀毕业生还被选拔到各级商业银行任职,由于质量过硬,绝大多数西南财大函授生成为各单位的业务骨干。通过抓函授教育,增强了全省人行干部职工学历教育的力度。改变了原来单一的办学模式,为全省干部职工学历教育注入新的活力。随着成人教育规模、教育体制改革转轨,函授教育已经成为我行干部职工学历教育的重要途径。当前,我国金融事业正处在改革、完善和发展的时期,金融任务十分繁重,对金融人才的需求更显得十分迫切。因此,我行干部职工学历教育立足于金融改革和金融发展的实际需要,有计划,有步骤地培养和造就一大批懂金融、懂业务、懂技术、善管理的金融人才就显得尤其紧迫和重要。同时也给我行教育带来十分严峻的挑战。如何加强函授教育管理,提高函授教育质量,是函授教育的生命力。通过这几年来抓函授教育,我们的体会是: Since the establishment of the People’s Bank Correspondence Station in 1988, with the joint support of the General Pedestrian Education Division and the Southwest Cai Da Hsianda Office, a total of more than 800 people have been enrolled for more than 7 years of correspondence from Southwest Finance and Economics University; Many graduates have been promoted to the central bank branch of the People’s Bank as governor, section chief, county branch governor and other leadership positions, some outstanding graduates have also been selected to work at all levels of commercial banks, due to excellent quality, vast Most of Southwest University of Finance and Economics students generate the backbone of the business units. By grasping correspondence education, the province’s cadres and workers to enhance academic education efforts. Changed the original single mode of running a school for the province’s cadres and workers academic education into new vitality. With the scale of adult education and the reform of education system, correspondence education has become an important way for educating cadres and workers in our bank. At present, the financial industry in our country is in a period of reform, improvement and development. The financial task is very heavy and the demand for financial professionals is even more urgent. Therefore, it is particularly urgent and important for our cadres and workers to have academic education based on the actual needs of financial reform and financial development. It is especially urgent and important that we train and train a large number of financial professionals who understand finance, understand business, understand technology and manage well in a planned and systematic manner. . It also poses a very serious challenge to our education. How to strengthen correspondence education management and improve the quality of correspondence education is the vitality of correspondence education. Through the past few years to grasp correspondence education, our experience is:
脑梗死是临床常见病与多发病 ,其致残、致死率较高 ,脑梗死后有部分病人在不同时期发生癫痫 ,即“卒中后癫痫”。为探讨脑梗死继发癫痫的临床特点 ,我院对 1 990年 7月~ 2 0 0
AIM: To investigate the relationship between the patients with cerebral infarction(CI) in different ages and blood lipid levels.METHODS:The serum concentration