1950年,美帝国主义疯狂地侵略朝鲜,把战火烧到我国东北边境。在这种情况下,中共中央作出了抗美援朝、保家卫国的战略决策。支援朝鲜人民反侵略斗争是中国共产党人的一贯立场,中朝人民唇齿相依,唇亡齿寒,出兵入朝同美帝国主义作战,毛主席早有思想准备,但下最后的决心是很不容易的。正如他对彭德怀同志所说: “我这个决心可不容易下哟!一声令下,三军出动,那就关系到数十万人的生命。打得好没有可说的。打不好,危及国内政局,甚至丢了江山,那我毛泽东对历史、
In 1950, the U.S. imperialists aggressively invaded North Korea and burned the war on the northeast border of our country. Under such circumstances, the CPC Central Committee made the strategic decision to resist the U.S. aggression and help the DPRK and defend their homeland. To support the anti-aggression struggle by the Korean people is a consistent position of the Chinese Communists. The Chinese people are closely linked to each other in their lips and their lips are hard-pressed. When they send troops into the DPRK and fight against the US imperialism, Chairman Mao has long been prepared for ideology. However, the final determination is not that easy. As he said to Comrade Peng Dehuai: ”My determination is not easy! Under the orders, the three armies are dispatched. That is about the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Playing well can not be said. Political situation, and even lost country, then I Mao Zedong on history,