晕厥是由各种不同原因所引起的一种临床综合征。因剧烈咳嗽而诱发晕厥,称之为咳嗽性晕厥。现报告一例如下: 徐某,男,55岁,脑电图号880110。患者因咳嗽、咳痰反复发作12年,当地医院诊断慢性支气管炎。近一个月来,每于剧烈咳嗽后出现短暂的意识不清、晕倒在地。从未发现口吐白沫、肢体抽动及大小便失禁等现象。每次发作历时4~5秒。发作终止后一切如常,但病者不能回忆当时倒地等情况。近来发作次数增多,严重时每天竟达10多次。为了避免晕厥发作,患者不敢剧咳。自发病以来曾去医院诊治,被诊断为“癫痫”、“颈椎病”、“脑供血不足”等,予以相应地对症治疗,均不收效。患者既往有烟酒嗜好。
Syncope is caused by a variety of different causes of a clinical syndrome. Because of severe cough and induced syncope, called cough syncope. Now report an example as follows: Xu, male, 55 years old, EEG No. 880110. Patient cough, sputum repeated attacks for 12 years, the local hospital diagnosis of chronic bronchitis. In the past month, every transient unconsciousness after a faint cough fainted. Never found foaming at the mouth, body twitching and incontinence and other phenomena. Each episode lasted 4 to 5 seconds. After the onset of all usual, but the patient can not recall the situation fell to the ground at the time. The recent increase in the number of attacks, as many as 10 times a day in severe cases. In order to avoid syncope, patients can not cough cough. Since the onset of the disease has been to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment, was diagnosed as “epilepsy”, “cervical spondylosis”, “cerebral insufficiency” and so on, to symptomatic treatment accordingly, are ineffective. In the past, alcohol and tobacco patients have hobbies.