Real?life Spider?Man fights plastic pollution 真人版蜘蛛侠抗击塑料污染

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  Rudi Hartono, an Indonesian cafe worker, had long been struggling to persuade residents of his small coastal community to get more involved in keeping their home clean by picking up the plastic trash on streets and beaches, but had little success. But when he put on a Spider?Man suit, people started to take notice. He accidentally became somewhat of a local role?model, and people started following his example.
  “At first, I did the same activity without wearing this costume in order to talk others into joining and helping pick up trash, but it did not attract the publics attention,” said the 36?year?old Hartono, wearing his red and blue Spider?Man costume. “After wearing this costume, it turns out that the publics response was extraordinary.”
  Rudi bought the Spider?Man costume as a way to entertain his 2?year?old nephew, but the child only got pavid and started crying whenever he saw Rudi dressed as the popular superhero, so the costume went unused for about a year. Then, one day, he got the idea to put it on before going on one of his frequent trash?cleaning missions, and the response from the community was instant.
  People who had simply ignored him when he was cleaning streets and beaches of plastic trash as a normal man, started following his example when they saw him dressed as SpiderMan. The effect was so overwhelming that he took to Facebook and made a video dressed as the Marvel superhero, inviting other local residents to join the fight against littering and pollution.
  Despite only dressing up as the Spider?Man for only a few months, Rudi Hartono has become a minor celebrity in the community. He has also been featured in national newspapers and has made appearances on several national television shows, using these opportunities to inspire people to fight against plastic pollution and do their part in keeping the Earth clean.
  1. Why did Rudi dress up as Spider?Man?
  A. To work more efficiently.
  B. To amuse his neighbours.
  C. To become a celebrity in the community.
  D. To inspire people to fight against plastic pollution.
  2. What does the underlined word “pavid” mean in paragraph 3?
  A. Strange. B. Puzzled.
  C. Frightened. D. Interested.
  3. Which of the following can be used to describe Rudi?
  A. Responsible and creative.
  B. Brave and humorous.
  C. Considerate and fashionable.
  D. Hard?working and successful.
  The effect was so overwhelming that he took to Facebook and made a video dressed as the Marvel superhero, inviting other local residents to join the fight against littering and pollution.
  【点石成金】so...that...为固定结构,意为“如此……以至于”;be dressed as为固定短语,意为“打扮成”,在作状语时,需用过去分词形式;inviting在句中作伴随状语,和逻辑主语之间构成主谓关系。
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