(一) 依靠手工炒制的传统名优茶加工方式逐步由现代机械化加工方法所替代,是适应社会主义市场经济发展的需要,是名优茶生产发展的必然趋势。近几年来,我省名优茶产销两旺,发展迅速。据统计,1995年全省春季名优茶产量达9790吨,产值4.49亿元,比上年同期增产22.7%,增值49.7%,名优茶产量和产值在茶叶总产量、总产值中所占比重已由1994年的16.3%和53.1%上升到1995
(1) The processing methods of traditionally famous teas that rely on manual frying are gradually being replaced by modern mechanized processing methods. They are the need to adapt to the development of the socialist market economy and are an inevitable trend in the development of famous tea production. In recent years, the production and sales of famous tea in our province have been booming. According to statistics, in 1995, the province’s famous spring tea production reached 9790 tons, with an output value of 449 million yuan, an increase of 22.7% over the same period of last year, with a value of 49.7%. The proportion of famous tea production and output value in total tea output and total output value was In 1994, 16.3% and 53.1% rose to 1995