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加快生态建设,维护生态安全,实现可持续发展,已成为世界各国政府的广泛共识,也是当前和今后一个时期林业改革与发展的主旋律。全面贯彻落实我国政府做出的《关于加快林业发展的决定》和全国林业工作会议精神,是新时期、新世纪广大务林人光荣而艰巨的使命。黑龙江省大兴安岭林区是我国天然林主要分布区之一,全区总面积8.46万 km~2,森林总经营面积835万 hm~2,其中有林地面积653.2万 hm~2,森林覆被 Accelerating ecological construction, safeguarding ecological security and achieving sustainable development have become the consensus of all the countries in the world and the theme of forestry reform and development for the present and in the coming period. To fully implement the “Decision on Speeding up Forestry Development” and the spirit of the National Forestry Conference made by our government is a glorious and arduous mission of the vast number of Lin people in the new era and in the new century. Daxinganling Forest Region in Heilongjiang Province is one of the main distribution areas of natural forest in China. The total area of ​​the whole region is 84,600 km 2, and the total forest management area is 8.35 million hm 2, of which forest area is 6,532,000 hm 2 and forest cover
回顾了我国自1881年,特别是从1949年以来的铁路建设成就,介绍了新时期铁路建设的战略部署,展望了我国铁路依靠科技进步、提高铁路现代化水平的前景。 The achievements of r
There is an abrupt boundary between two well-developed wetland forests, a stand consisting of a broad-leaved, nitrogen-fixer Alnus japonica and a stand of the n
对不同压力下三氧化二铝与碳、氯化铝在低价氯化物法炼铝过程中生成低价二氯化铝及低价二氯化铝分解的热力学条件进行简化计算.研究得出:在100 kPa时,三氧化二铝与还原剂碳反
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利用trnL intron、trnL-trnF、trnS-psbC和accD-psa I等4个叶绿体DNA片段对来自湖北省的88份梨属种质资源进行系统进化和遗传多样性分析。结果表明,4个cpDNA片段共检测到变异