乡村治理从党建破题 农民增收靠党建保证

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农村基层党组织是党在农村工作的基础,是贯彻落实党的方针政策、推进农村改革发展和“四个全面”战略任务的坚强战斗堡垒。习近平总书记在河南兰考县调研时指出,乡村是我们党执政大厦的地基,乡村干部是这个地基中的钢筋。这一论断深刻阐明了乡村工作的重要性。近年来,祁县以“十管十有十落实”为统领,把抓基层打基础作为夯实农村基层党建的长远之计,狠抓农村“两委”班子队伍建设,强化公共服务,完善多元参与的农村基层治理体制,为在从严治党新常态下推 The rural grass-roots party organizations are the basis for the party’s work in the rural areas and are the strong fighting bastions for implementing the party’s principles and policies and promoting rural reform and development as well as the “four comprehensive” strategic tasks. In his investigation of Lankao County in Henan Province, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the countryside is the foundation of our party’s ruling building and that the village cadres are the steel bars in this foundation. This assertion profoundly illustrates the importance of village work. In recent years, Qixian has taken “ten top ten successes” as its guideline, taken the grassroots base as a long-term measure to consolidate the rural grass-roots party building, and paid close attention to the building of a contingent of “two committees and committees” in rural areas and strengthening public services We will improve the multi-participatory system of rural grass-roots governance and push it under the new normal of party discipline
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