3月5日上午,江苏省盐都县秦南镇西何村通村公路旁,一对中年夫妇正忙着植树。男主人何文忠介绍,去年,他家花了8500元买断了通村公路两侧1200多米的林木经营权10年,时值绿化黄金季节,就投入资金近千元,购买意杨树苗800株,进行了突击补植,确保10年后有所收益。 长期以来,由于林权高度集中在镇村,群众无经营自主权,造成“人人有份,人人不问”的状况,植树造林常常是“春天栽,秋天黄,冬天进锅膛”。为了跳出这个怪圈,去年,秦南镇坚持把深化林权制度改革,转换经营机制作为绿化工作的关键来抓,通过
On the morning of March 5, a middle-aged couple is busy planting trees beside the village of Tonghe Village, Qinhe Town, Yandu County, Jiangsu Province. He Wenzhong introduced the host, last year, his family spent 8500 yuan to buy off the village on both sides of the road more than 1,200 meters of forest management rights for 10 years, when the golden season of green, it invested nearly 1,000 yuan, the purchase of poplar 800 Strain, conducted a surprise replantation, to ensure that 10 years after the return. For a long time, because of the high concentration of forest tenure in the town and village, the masses have no business autonomy, resulting in a situation of “all people do not ask everyone”. Afforestation is often “spring planting, autumn yellow and winter into the pan.” In order to jump out of this vicious circle, last year, Qinnan Town insisted on deepening the reform of forest tenure system and converting the operating mechanism as the key to afforestation,