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麻疹、流感、白喉、猩红热、流行性脑脊髓膜炎、百日咳等传染病,是冬春季节多发的急性传染病。麻疹在我省各地的流行极为广泛,发病人数每年平均约占法定传染病总发病人数的50%以上。病死人数也占总病死人数第一位。麻疹在本省的流行规律,发病人数一般从十一、十二月间开始上升,到第二年四、五月达高峰,五月以后开始下降。流感今年在本省是一次暴发流行,地区极为普遍,是解放后的一次大流行。据各地所报材料看,估计城市、工矿区约有40——50%人口轻重不同受到了感染;农村平均约有10——15%人口感染发病。猩红热、流行性脑脊髓膜炎、白喉、百日咳等病去冬今春西安和商 Measles, flu, diphtheria, scarlet fever, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, whooping cough and other infectious diseases, is an acute and contagious disease in winter and spring. The prevalence of measles in various parts of our province is extremely wide, with the number of cases making up an average of over 50% of the total number of cases of legal infectious diseases each year. The number of deaths also accounted for the total number of patients died. The prevalence of measles in the province, the number of patients generally began to rise in November and December, peaked in April and May of the following year, and began to decline after May. The outbreak of influenza in our province this year is an epidemic that is extremely prevalent in the region and is a pandemic after the liberation. According to the materials reported in various places, it is estimated that about 40-50% of the population in the cities, industrial and mining areas is infected differently; in rural areas, about 10-15% of the population is infected. Scarlet fever, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, diphtheria, pertussis and other diseases go winter and spring Xi’an and business
这期是一个陌生的话题:“概念”的说明。  词典这样解释“概念”:思维的基本形式之一,反映客观事物的一般的、本质的特征。说得浅白一些,有关事物的名称,定理定义,新的理论、理念与说法等都可以说是“概念”。  将一个“概念”说得清楚明白、通俗易懂,或者说得详尽、深入、生动,都需要技巧。  下面来看看几段说明有关“概念”的文字:  “尺牍”者,书信是也,最早为一种文体的名称。古人写信,一开始写在木板上,“
胎儿用脚踢腹壁,就会晃动羊水,使胎儿的全身都受到刺激。这样的皮肤感觉对大脑的发育有着巨大的影响。 Fetal kick the abdomen, it will shake the amniotic fluid, so tha