本文报告47例巨型垂体瘤的手术治疗情况.本文所谓巨型系指直径超过4cm 的肿瘤.该瘤常浸润並穿透硬膜及鞍膈,侵入海绵窦且在硬膜外蔓延生长,並侵入前、中、后颅窝,或突入额、颞叶脑内.内分泌方面,38例(80.8%)为非分泌性腺瘤,9例为生长激素或泌乳素腺瘤.手术前需根据 X 光片、CT 扫描血管或气脑造影以确定肿瘤大小及其主体部分的位置.手术可取经颅与经蝴窦入路,並采用显微手术技术.其目标在于争取彻底切除包膜内的肿瘤,使视神经与丘脑下部减压.如难于全切除,则可次全或部分切除。术后均需予以放疗,文内讨论了经蝶窦与经 额入路手术的适应证.
This article reports the surgical treatment of 47 cases of giant pituitary tumors in this article refers to the giant refers to the diameter of more than 4cm of the tumor.The tumor often infiltrates and penetrates the dura mater and the diaphragm, invades the cavernous sinus and spreads in the epidural growth and invasion before , In the posterior fossa, or into the amount of temporal lobe brain.In endocrine, 38 cases (80.8%) of non-secreting adenoma, 9 cases of growth hormone or prolactinoma.According to X-ray before surgery, CT scan of blood vessels or pneumo-angiography to determine the size of the tumor and its main part of the location of the operation can be transcranial and transabdominal sinus approach and the use of microsurgical techniques.The goal is to strive for complete removal of the capsule within the tumor so that the optic nerve And hypothalamic decompression, such as difficult to remove, you can subtotal or partial resection. After surgery are required to be treated with radiotherapy, the document discusses the indications for transsphenoidal and transurethral approach surgery.