金秋 ,在粤东山城鳞次栉比的楼群中 ,又添新景———梅州文玉幼儿园屹立在梅江河畔 ,富丽堂皇。专程从马来西亚飞抵梅州的国际知名画家、艺术教育家、文化艺术推动者钟正山先生 ,在参加幼儿园落成庆典会上 ,发表了热情洋溢的讲话。艺术学院的创办人钟正山先生祖籍广东梅州市郊
Autumn, in the eastern mountain city row upon row of buildings, add a new King --- Meizhou Wenyu kindergarten stands in the Meijiang River, magnificent. Mr. Zhong Zhengshan, an internationally renowned painter, art educator and cultural and art promoter who flew to Meizhou from Malaysia, delivered a warm speech at the celebration ceremony of kindergarten attendance. Mr. Zhong Zhengshan, founder of the Art Institute, is native to Meizhou, a suburb of Guangdong