
来源 :语文教学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjlong8888
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我认为,语文教学上的突破首先是观念上的突破。 一、破以教师为中心,同步教学;立以学生为中心,重个性发展,因材施教。 有人说,我们国家目前的教育是“冬青树式”“集团军式”的教育。什么事情都要整齐划一,上课要求坐同样的姿势,回答问题要按教师的回答,否则就得不了高分,完全忽视了学生的能动性、差异性。以一把钥匙要打开不同学生的思维之锁,其结果可想而知。以教师为中心,必然形成如今小学的“听话教育”,中学的“分数教育”,大学的“知识教育”。这种教育体制、教育思想,严重妨碍学生创造力的发展、个性优势的发挥,甚至在不知不觉中耽误人才、扼杀人才。怎么办?最基本的一条,就是要真正打破“教师中心制”,以学生为中心,让学生真正成为 In my opinion, the breakthrough in language teaching is first and foremost a breakthrough in concept. First, break teacher-centered and synchronize teaching; take students as the center, emphasize individuality development, and teach students in accordance with their aptitude. Some people say that our country’s current education is “the holly tree” and “group military” education. Everything needs to be uniform, and the class must ask for the same posture. Answering the questions must be done according to the teacher’s answer. Otherwise, you won’t be able to score high points and completely ignore the students’ initiative and differences. With a key to unlock the locks of thinking among different students, the results can be imagined. Taking teachers as the center, it will inevitably form the “obedience education” of today’s elementary schools, the “score education” of middle schools, and the “knowledge education” of universities. This kind of education system and education ideas seriously hamper the development of students’ creativity, the development of individual advantages, and even unknowingly delay talents and kill talents. How to do? The most basic one is to truly break the “teacher center system” and focus on students, so that students can truly become
我院自一九八○年六月起,采用精索静脉结扎加精索静脉——腹壁下静脉吻合术治疗精索静脉曲张,共9例。血管吻合是在显微镜下操作。术后效果满意,现将初步经验报告如下。 Our
地球由于人口的剧增和对自然资源的大量消耗致使已在几个主要方面向人类出示了黄牌,形势是严峻的: 一、人口猛增的巨大压力 据统计,全球人口增长的速度越来越快,周期越来越
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