地球由于人口的剧增和对自然资源的大量消耗致使已在几个主要方面向人类出示了黄牌,形势是严峻的: 一、人口猛增的巨大压力 据统计,全球人口增长的速度越来越快,周期越来越短。从10亿增加到20亿,经历了100年的时间,而从40亿增加到50亿,只经历了11年的时间。按目前每年递增9100万人的速度推算,再过50年,全球的人口就将突破100亿大关。目前的50多亿人就已使地球不堪重负了,随着人口的继续增加,地球的负荷只能越来越
Due to the dramatic increase in population and the massive depletion of natural resources, the Earth has already presented a yellow card to humanity in several major areas. The situation is severe: First, the huge pressure of population growth According to statistics, the global population growth rate is increasing. Faster and shorter cycle. From 1 billion to 2 billion, it has gone through 100 years, and from 4 billion to 5 billion, it has only gone through 11 years. Based on the current annual increase rate of 91 million people, in the next 50 years, the global population will exceed the 10 billion mark. The current over 5 billion people have already made the earth overwhelmed. As the population continues to increase, the Earth’s load can only become more and more.