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1997年9月1-3日在新加坡召开了题为“采金工业现状及21世纪发展前景”的国际会议。会议由澳大利亚矿冶学会(AuslMM)主持召开。来自世界各国近400名代表参加了会议。世界黄金学会主席T.Glina在开幕词中对世界黄金生产和需求进行了评价,并对21世纪采金工业的发展趋势作了预测。英美黄金学会主席B.Godsap介绍了世界最大的黄金生产国——南非的情况并对南非21世纪的发展趋势作了论述。美国代表B.Merdy作了题为“美国——世界第二大黄金生产国及其21世纪发 September 1-3, 1997 held in Singapore, entitled ”Gold mining industry status quo and the prospects for the development of the 21st century,“ the International Conference. The meeting was chaired by Australian Association of Mining and Metallurgy (AuslMM). Nearly 400 delegates from all countries in the world attended the meeting. In his opening speech, T. Glina, chairman of the World Gold Institute, evaluated the world’s gold production and demand and predicted the development trend of gold mining industry in the 21st century. B.Godsap, president of the Anglo-American Gold Institute, introduced the situation in South Africa, the world’s largest gold producer, and discussed the development trend of South Africa in the 21st century. U.S. Representative B. Merdy made a speech entitled ”The United States - the world’s second largest producer of gold and its 21st century hair
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