在今年1月8日-14日举行的北京图书订货会上,由著名科普作家叶平和罗治馨共同创作、百花文艺出版社出版的《电脑风云》一书首次亮相,受到读者的好评。 《电脑风云》以引人入胜的故事情节、个性鲜明的人物形象以及生动流畅的纪实笔法,系统全面地展现了世界电脑大师们勇于创新和商战搏击的历程,是一部大手笔,全景式描绘IT业界一幕幕恢宏壮观历史画卷的长篇力作,阅
At the Beijing Book Fair, which was held from January 8 to January 14, this book was co-authored by well-known popular science writers Ye Ping and Luo Zhi Xin. The book “Computer Situation”, published by Baihua Literature and Art Publishing House, made its debut and was praised by readers. The “Computer Situation” is a generous and panoramic scene depicting the IT industry with its engaging storylines, distinctive characters and vivid and vivid documentary style, systematically and comprehensively showing the world’s computer masters brave in innovation and commercial fighting. Magnificent grand historical picture scroll masterpiece, read