山东省莘县县委、县政府在进行国防教育中,将过去应急性教育纳入正常的思想政治工作体系,由过去少数部门的“独角戏”转变为各部门的“大合唱”,变过去单纯地灌输为多层次,多形式的引导,使国防教育形成了新格局。 这个县成立了由县委、县政府和县人武部以及县直有关部门领导参加的国防教育领导小组。各乡镇建立了相应的组织,加强对国防教育的领导,县委书记、县长在基层建立了民兵工作联系点;县委常委每季度专门议一次国防教育,及时了解国防教
In the course of carrying out national defense education, Shandong Shenxian county party committee and county government transformed emergency education into a normal system of ideological and political work in the past, from the “one-man show” of a few departments in the past to the “chorus” of various departments, and simply infused into Guided by multi-level and multi-forms, the national defense education has formed a new pattern. The county set up by the county, county government and county armed forces and the relevant departments under the leadership of the leadership of the national defense education leading group. All towns and townships have set up corresponding organizations to strengthen leadership over national defense education. County party secretaries and county leaders have established contact points for militia work at the grassroots level. The member of the county committee appoints national defense education on a quarterly basis to keep abreast of national defense education