生物半衰期(Biological Half-Life)是临床药物动力学中的一个重要概念。药物被机体摄取后,吸收入体循环,分布至各组织且被代谢和排泄,因之血药浓度随时间而下降。血药浓度下降一半所需的时间称为该药的生物半衰期,它表示药物在体内被消除的速度大小,亦即在体内存留时间的长短。半衰期大,表明药物在体内消除慢,作用时间持久;半衰期小,表明在体内消除快,作用时间短。药物治疗时,半衰期短的药物需较频繁地给药,而半衰期长的药物给药间隔应比较长,否则血药浓度可能达不到治疗的有效水平收不到应有的疗效或超出了最小中毒浓
Biological Half-Life is an important concept in clinical pharmacokinetics. After the drug is ingested by the body, it is absorbed into the body and circulated and distributed to various tissues and metabolized and excreted. As a result, the plasma concentration decreases over time. The time required to reduce blood concentration by half is called the biological half-life of the drug, which indicates how quickly the drug is eliminated in the body, ie, the length of time it will stay in the body. Half-life, indicating that drugs in the body to eliminate slow, long-lasting effect; half-life is small, that in the body to eliminate fast, short duration of action. Drug treatment, the short half-life of drugs to be administered more frequently, and the half-life of the drug should be administered at longer intervals, or plasma concentrations may not reach the effective level of treatment can not receive the desired effect or beyond the minimum Toxic concentration