The “Girl Who Moves Through Time” is a masterpiece published by Japanese well-known science fiction writer Yasuyuki Kurosui in 1965, which has been repeatedly adapted into dramas and movies. In 2006, it was adapted into an animated film and was released in Japan. At that time, it won a superb box office performance. It is also known as “a work comparable to Hayao Miyazaki’s work.” In fact, the film production team is very strong, responsible for animation and the original painting Yamamoto and Aoyama Hao Hang Miyazaki Hayao animation are one of the original team. As we all know, Miyazaki Hayao created a series of works does not involve the subject of love, and the film is about a pure love story of a high school girl, but also infiltrated the subject of space-time shuttle science fiction, but the spirit of the original is I hope some simple things can be used to explain some people’s life philosophy that everyone may have overlooked.