The lower reaches of Volga exploration area by the oil production area is old. The remaining potential reserves in this area are scattered in the latent, mostly non-anticline trap. Now explore ways to identify and predict such traps. Based on exploration experience in the Soviet Union and other oil-producing regions, it is shown that lithology-stratigraphic reservoirs are first of all found to be effective in some areas immediately adjacent to known oil and gas fields, and these areas are more favorable for the formation of lithologic-stratigraphic reservoirs, and Based on well-drilled wells and tectonic-drawing wells in the past, sufficient information was available. In view of this, four areas have been studied in the lower Volga region: Umettov and Kotov (Umettov-Livneh Sag and its western slope), Andipov-Barrekeli and Kameshin (Antiporpo - Shelby Bakuk paleon up