今日中国的证券市场,尽管上市公司已达1000多家,但由于政策的限制,能有幸进入这个市场的家族企业,不过寥寥几家,也就是刘永行兄弟、潘广通父子、马兴田一家,还有张宏伟、王淑贤、王文京、朱保国和杨启昭等人。 2000年11月8日,美国著名财经杂志《福布斯》公布了“中国大陆50名首富名单”,四川希望集团有限公司(希望集团)创始人刘永行以10亿美元的身价居第一位。而黑
Although China's securities market has reached more than 1,000 in the securities market, due to policy restrictions, only a handful of family-owned enterprises that are fortunate enough to enter this market, namely Liu Yongxing's brothers, Pan Guangtong's son, Ma Xingtian and Zhang Hongwei, Wang Shuxian, Wang Wenjing, Zhu Baoguo and Yang Qizhao et al. On November 8, 2000, Forbes, the famous financial magazine in the United States, released the “List of the Top 50 Chinese Richest People,” and Liu Yongxing, the founder of Sichuan Hope Group Co., Ltd. (Hope Group), topped the list with a value of 1 billion U.S. dollars. And black