以海绵铁和陶粒为填料进行生物膜原位净化城市微污染河水的效果研究,考察了2种填料分别在饱和DO和低DO含量条件下,以及海绵铁在低DO含量条件下减小HRT和陶粒在无曝气条件下,对NH_4~+-N、TN、TP和COD的处理效果和填料的筛选并探讨了机理。结果表明,增大曝气能保证DO含量饱和,但会对生物膜产生冲击而影响载体表面生物膜量。陶粒和海绵铁分别在第23天和第56天挂膜成功,陶粒比海绵铁挂膜速度快得多。为防止海绵板结现象,可将海绵铁按40%的体积填充率分散装入直径9 cm左右的网状聚酯纤维球内。海绵铁在持续运行期间去除效果总体优于陶粒,在低DO含量条件下更适合用来改善河水水质。
Sponge iron and ceramsite as a filler for biofilm in situ purification of urban micro-polluted river water effects were investigated two kinds of filler were saturated DO and low DO content conditions, and sponge iron in the low DO content to reduce the HRT And ceramsite without aeration, the effect of NH_4 ~ + -N, TN, TP and COD treatment and fillers screening and discussed the mechanism. The results showed that increasing the aeration could ensure the DO content to be saturated, but would impact the biofilm and affect the amount of biofilm on the carrier surface. Ceramsite and sponge iron were successfully applied on the 23rd and 56th days, respectively, and the ceramsite was much faster than the sponge iron. In order to prevent the phenomenon of sponge lumps, the sponge iron can be dispersed into a reticular polyester fiber ball with a diameter of about 9 cm at a volume filling rate of 40%. Sponge iron removal effect is generally better than ceramsite during continuous operation, and is more suitable for improving water quality at low DO levels.