为了解广州市小学生体格发育现状 ,2 0 0 2年对广州市 7~ 1 2岁的 1 392名在读学生的体格发育情况进行调查与分析。1 对象与方法1 1 对象 家庭经济属中等水平的 7~ 1 2岁的小学生 1 392人 ,其中男 74 0人 ,女 6 5 2人 ,不同性别每年龄组为 85~ 1 34人。1 2 方法 测定
To understand the status quo of the physical development of pupils in Guangzhou, the physical development of 1 392 enrolled students from 7 to 12 years old in Guangzhou was investigated and analyzed in 2002. 1 Subjects and Methods 1 1 Subjects The family economy is a middle-class schooling of 1 392 pupils aged 7 to 12 with 740 males and 6552 females, with 85-134 persons of different sexes per age group. 1 2 Method Determination