1980年8月,应中国元史学会和蒙古史学会之邀,余前往阿拉善盟行政公署所在地巴彦浩特镇。全镇总人口为38200余人,居住着汉、蒙、回、满、达斡尔、藏、壮、土和鄂伦春等民族,真可谓中华民族聚居的缩影了。 由于巴彦浩特靠近贺兰山,西临沙漠,小范围内水气循环较好,形成戈壁绿洲环境,不仅物产丰富,而且工业集中,当然,其中肴馔之美,也就必然集中在巴彦浩特了。
August 1980, at the invitation of the Chinese Yuan History Association and the Mongolian Historical Society, Yu went to Bayanhaote, the seat of the administrative office of Alxa League. The town has a population of more than 38200 people, living in Han, Mongolia, Hui, Manchuria, Daur, Tibetan, Zhuang, earth and Oroqen and other ethnic groups, really epitome of the Chinese nation. As Bayanhot close to the Helan Mountain, west desert, water vapor circulation within a relatively small area, the formation of Gobi oasis environment, not only rich in property, but also industrial concentration, of course, the beauty of which food, it will inevitably focus on Bayanhot.