2006年4月是集邮漫画家老九先生发表作品20周年,20日上午,《老九漫画展》在中国戏曲学院举行,借此时机,本刊记者刘生平专访了老九先生。记者:您是什么时候开始学习漫画的? 老九:其实,我从小就喜欢画画,那时候听评书《岳飞传》,我会将里边的人物画下来,贴在家里的墙上。但后来中考、高考时间紧了,就把这一爱好暂时放在了一边。真正
April 2006 is the twentieth anniversary of the publication of the works by Mr. Lao Ji, a philatelic cartoonist. On the morning of the 20th, “Old Nine Comics Exhibition” was held at the Chinese Academy of Drama. Taking this opportunity, Liu Sang-Pin interviewed Mr. Lao Jiu. Reporter: When did you start to learn comics? Old Nine: Actually, I grew to like painting. At that time, I heard the storytelling “Yue Fei Biography” and I would draw the characters inside and attach it to the wall at home. But later in the exam, college entrance examination time tight, put this hobby temporarily on the sidelines. real