落实自主学习 提高教学效率——新课程理念下科学教学的探索和实践

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一、自主学习的涵义自主学习.顾名思义就是学生依靠自己的努力,自觉、主动、积极地获取知识。自主学习又称自我调节学习,一般是指学习者自觉确定学习目标,选择学习方法、监控学习过程、评价学习结果的过程。自主学习强调形成学生积极主动的学习态度,关注学生的学习兴趣,倡导学生主动参与,注重培养学生的独立性和主动性,促进学生在教师指导下主动地、富有个性地学习。自主学习是一种学习模式.即学习者在总体教学目标的宏观调控下,在教师的指导下.根据自身条件和需要制订并完成具体 First, the meaning of independent learning Independent learning as the name suggests is that students rely on their own efforts, consciously, take the initiative to actively acquire knowledge. Autonomous learning, also known as self-regulated learning, generally refers to learners consciously determine the learning objectives, choose learning methods, monitoring the learning process, evaluation of the learning process. Autonomous learning emphasizes the formation of a pro-active learning attitude of students, pays attention to students’ interest in learning, advocates active participation of students, pays attention to cultivating students’ independence and initiative, and promotes students’ initiative and personality learning under the guidance of teachers. Autonomous learning is a learning model, that is, learners under the guidance of teachers under the overall control of the teaching objectives of the macro-control according to their own conditions and needs to develop and complete specific
摘 要:晨间户外活动是幼儿在一定的体育活动区域内自主自愿的游戏活动,教师会投入很大的精力去组织活动和准备器械。本研究站在一线教师的角度,对怎样有效组织幼儿进行晨间户外活动进行研究,并提出相关建议。  关键词:晨间户外活动;幼儿;对策与思考  《3—6岁儿童学习与发展指南》中要求,要确保幼儿每日2小时户外活动和1小时体育活动的时间。所以在这一时段,教师会投入很大的精力去准备、组织活动。但是在活动中总