杜鹃花是世界著名的观赏花卉 ,誉称“花中西施”位列我国三大名花之冠。由于西洋杜鹃花期长 (50~ 70d) ,开花多 ,花形大 (除单瓣和复瓣外 ,还有很受人们喜爱的千层瓣 ) ,花期亦因株体的营养过度消耗 ,待到花后的春季 ,如果管理养护稍有疏忽 ,就会造成植株的衰亡 ,有的即便活?
Rhododendron is the world famous ornamental flowers, said “flowers in the West” ranked the top three flowers in China. Because of the long azalea (50 ~ 70d), more flowering, flower-shaped (in addition to single and double flap petals, there are very popular petal petals), flowering also due to excessive consumption of the body’s nutrition until the flower After the spring, if the management and maintenance of a slight negligence, it will cause the decline of plants, and some even live?