目的掌握2008—2013年大连市常规免疫接种率报告及监测状况。方法对大连市2008—2013年BCG、HBV、OPV、DPT和MV监测结果进行分析,采用差值(D)和比值(R)对报告接种率的真实性进行评价。结果大连市2008—2013年以区、县为单位报告完整性为100%;BCG、HBV3、OPV3、DPT3和MV报告接种率均在99%以上;D值评价的5种疫苗中,可信所占比例仅为23.33%,可疑所占比例为50%,不可信占26.67%。全市报告接种率的R值评价,可信所占比例为16.67%,可疑占45.83%,不可信占37.5%。结论 2008—2013年大连市常规免疫监测系统数据监测真实性较差,流动儿童的管理仍然是重点。
Objective To grasp the report and monitoring status of routine immunization coverage in Dalian from 2008 to 2013. Methods The surveillance results of BCG, HBV, OPV, DPT and MV in Dalian during 2008-2013 were analyzed. The difference (D) and ratio (R) were used to evaluate the authenticity of reported vaccination rates. Results Dalian reported completeness as 100% in districts and counties in 2008-2013. The coverage rates of BCG, HBV3, OPV3, DPT3 and MV were above 99%. Among the 5 vaccines evaluated by D, Accounting for only 23.33%, suspicious proportion of 50%, accounting for 26.67% of untrustworthy. The city reported the R value of vaccination rate evaluation, the proportion of credible 16.67%, suspected 45.83%, unbelievable 37.5%. Conclusion The data monitoring of routine immunization surveillance system in Dalian during 2008-2013 is less authentic, and the management of migrant children remains the key point.