我最近得了心动过速的毛病,而且发作比较频繁。王大夫请您介绍一下,发病时的自救方法。南宁柳明阵发性心动过速是一种突然发作的规律性异常心律,每次发作可持续数分钟至数小时或数天。既往有心脏病的人可能因此而出现血压下降、休克、心衰或昏厥。如果处理得及时得当,心动过速可能很快缓解,恢复正常心律。有些方法,病人(或在家属帮助下)完全可以自行操作,以达到自行救治的目的。这里介绍几种最适用的方法,供选择试用: 1.屏气或深呼吸病人先静坐,然后最大限度地吸气后屏气,持续30秒钟以上,随后作几次深呼吸动
I recently had tachycardia problems, and seizures more frequently. Dr. Wang please introduce you, when the disease self-help method. Nanning Li Ming paroxysmal tachycardia is a sudden onset of regular heart rhythms, each attack can last from minutes to hours or days. People with previous heart attacks may experience decreased blood pressure, shock, heart failure or fainting. If handled properly in time, tachycardia may soon ease and return to normal heart rhythm. In some ways, patients (or with the help of family members) are completely free to operate on their own to achieve the goal of self-treatment. Here are some of the most suitable method for the trial to choose from: 1. Hold your breath or take a deep breath before sitting, and then breath up to the maximum breath hold for more than 30 seconds, followed by several deep breaths