1病例报告患者女,23岁。因注射破伤风抗毒素3h后出现全身红色斑丘疹就诊。3h前因手指刀伤在我院注射破伤风抗毒素(TAT),因皮肤试验阳性,采用脱敏法注射,注射过程中无明显不适,注射后观察30min离开。查体:脉搏100/min,血压118/60mmHg;全身散布红色斑丘疹。考虑为TAT所致。立即静脉注射地塞米松10mg,症状无明显好转,送体系医院。到达体系医院,立即给予心电监护,肌内注射马来酸氯苯那敏注射液10mg,静脉注射维生素C 2.0g。生命体征平稳,皮疹部分消
1 case report patient female, 23 years old. 3h after injection of tetanus antitoxin systemic red rash treatment. 3h ago because of finger wounds in our hospital injection of tetanus antitoxin (TAT), due to skin test positive, desensitization injection, no significant discomfort during the injection, after injection observed 30min left. Physical examination: pulse 100 / min, blood pressure 118 / 60mmHg; body scattered red rash. Considered TAT. Immediate intravenous dexamethasone 10mg, no significant improvement in symptoms, delivery system hospital. Arrived at the system hospital, immediately given ECG, intramuscular injection of chlorphenamine maleate injection 10mg, intravenous injection of vitamin C 2.0g. Vital signs of a smooth, partial elimination of rash